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Some quick pen/ink - marker sketches from this afternoon, owls!


Snakes and Spots

My first round of work for the Potter portfolio project! In this post we have...
My line-work and final color test for my Chamber of Secrets cover:

My first attempt at designing spots/chapter title images:

And my some experimental designs for a Quidditch Snitch and a Snidget (info about Snidgets here): These are the first of many,
my sketchbook is delightfully brimming with strange HP details.
For those of you curious why I'm working on Potter themed art I'm simply using one of my
favorite book series as the creative juices while I learn about creating more complex
compositions. This allows me to play with fun subject while sharpening my
design skills and keep me excited about such a big project. Thus far it has been
oodles of fun and I'm very excited about the progress I've made thus far.

How about you blog readers? Any HP objects/scenes you'd be interested in
seeing made into spots?



Coming soon to this blog near you...

My Thesis Project. Sketches, Designs, and 12 paintings created by yours truly, aided by my talented and awe-inspiring thesis advisor, the one and only Donato Giancola. Get ready for news and real time posts from the making of...

The Potter Portfolio Project.

Excited yet? You should be.

"Eliza" Book Project

Hello again!

Well fall is upon us (which means the new school year for those of us still in academia-land).

Now that were back and in the swing of things I have some new work to share from our first big show of the year.

Over the summer we were given the exciting and daunting task of creating an original book, and I decided to take my Victorian-Gothic-Girl (now officially named Eliza!) and take her project to the next level. She now has her own story and first introductory story-book which details her character and how she came to have her orange cat sidekick.

Here are samples from the final project:

I'm very pleased with how this first go at a story-book for her character has gone. There are still a few things that need ironing out but hopefully I should have the whole project available soon and may very well release it has an e-book or bound portfolio that you can order.

Also for your viewing pleasure a photo from the show of my display!

New Book!

Hey everyone!

Lots of exciting new projects here and on the horizon.

First - the big project that I was working on with my amazing Scholastic team over the summer:

"I grew up to be President" written by Laurie Calkhoven, is an exciting educational book about the presidents of the United States, their personal histories, and how they became the great leaders they grew-up to be.

I learned some great things white doing research and working on the art for this book, for example: Rutherford B. Hayes had the first telephone installed in the white house, Abraham Lincoln used to carry around paperwork in his tall hat, and Ronald Reagan loved jelly beans and used to keep a bowl of them on his desk. The book is full of those fun facts, I'm very excited to see this one in print!